Upgrade Guide

This guide explains the update procedure for upgrading VirtualLens2 to a newer version.

Basic Steps

Importing the Unitypackage File

Import the Unitypackage file of the latest version that you downloaded (VirtualLens2_v2.x.x.unitypackage) to overwrite.

Importing the Unitypackage File

Reapplying Settings (For Destructive Setup Only)

Press the “Apply” button in the VirtualLens Settings component that was generated during the initial setup to update the data within your avatar.

Reapplying Settings

Version-Specific Steps

Updates from v2.9.9 or Earlier

Starting from VirtualLens2 v2.10.0, it is recommended to use the non-destructive setup. If you set up VirtualLens2 with a version earlier than v2.9.9, you can migrate to the non-destructive setup by importing Modular Avatar (version 1.8.0 or later) into your project and pressing the “Migrate as a Non-destructive Module” button in the VirtualLens Settings component.

Once you have migrated to the non-destructive setup, you won’t need to reapply settings for future updates.

Migrating to non-destructive setup

Updates from v2.8.5 or Earlier

Starting from VirtualLens2 v2.9.0, default settings are provided through a prefab (VirtualLens2/Prefabs/DefaultSettings.prefab). The settings objects generated automatically by the setup helper in versions earlier than v2.8.5 are not instances of this prefab. To ensure that parameter adjustments in future updates are correctly reflected, it is recommended to replace the current settings objects with instances of the prefab.

To replace the settings objects, press the “Replace by Prefab Instance” button at the bottom of the VirtualLens Settings component to generate instances of the prefab with the current values, as needed.